Michelle GIRTS '70,环境科学家

A dedicated environmental scientist who has worked in both corporate and research settings, Michelle GIRTS ’70 has been 构建ing successful businesses around technology and talent for 35 years. 她退休前, Michelle worked for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and the Portland Water Bureau as an environmental science technical specialist collecting samples for water quality lab testing, 编程数据分析, and reviewing and reporting the status of water quality throughout the system and the impacts of activities in the watershed. She then moved on to work as an environmental scientist for engineering company, 美国, 她在哪里开发和商业化创新, 工程湿地的低成本处理技术. 自从她退休以来, 米歇尔被任命为克拉克县净水委员会成员, 她是当地社区的积极志愿者吗, 园艺大师, and flies a Cirrus single-engine airplane with her husband in her spare time.

B.S. Biology, Portland State University; M.S. Biology, West Virginia University; All But Dissertation (ABD) towards Ph.D. 俄勒冈州立大学水资源工程专业
Environmental Scientist, Executive Vice President, Engineering Consulting Firm


I worked as a consulting environmental and wetland scientist for 27 years with the engineering firm CH2M HILL, 雇佣了3人,我刚入职时有500名工程师和科学家,现在有40多人,最高峰时达到了1000万美元. 我在技术专家的职业道路上不断进步, 项目及客户经理, 营销经理, 区域办事处经理, 最终成为全球, corporation-wide program for which I reported to the Chief Executive Officer.

在CH2M山之前, I worked at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry doing computer database management and programming. I then completed the biology undergraduate program at Portland State University while I worked as an environmental science technical specialist for the City of Portland Water Bureau. As a result of some volunteer work I did with a friend for The Nature Conservancy in wetlands, 湿地成了我的特色生态系统. 我在图书馆研究中心为联邦政府工作, 矿务局, 开发矿山污水湿地处理系统技术. 但我很快意识到,我想要更广泛的应用经验, so I sought out the best engineering firm through which I could work with top quality engineers to design, 构建, 运营最好的湿地系统.

Is there a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant of your career?
因为我是一项新技术的开发者和营销人员, 随着我事业的发展, I became known for innovative systems thinking and my ability to work with people in many parts of the firm to start new projects and programs. I was asked to consider heading up a program that had failed several times before, trying to capture and monetize the innovative ideas CH2M HILL's creative employees used in solving problems for clients. Saying yes to this opportunity was very risky because several of the company's leaders had failed to develop a successful program before, 也因为我知道这样做, I would have to cut ties (at least for a while) with the regional organization and business group. 在最后的清算中, the program did manage to increase awareness of and protection for valuable innovations (with quantifiable gains), 有几项发明确实为公司带来了经济效益.

I think the most important lesson is to always be looking for doors opening, 或者让门打开的方法, and to exhaustively evaluate any opportunity and how one might modify that opportunity to suit, 在考虑说“不”之前.

For Ellis students reading this: is there any wisdom you’d want to pass on to them? 你想让他们知道什么?
向那些走在你前面的人提问,仔细倾听, 不是为了征求意见, but to learn of different possible approaches and to be able to best pick your path on the basis of your own values, 功能, 和利益. Say yes to opportunities after asking 问题s, even if they don't exactly match your "plan". 做你自己——这是你获得成功和快乐的唯一途径.

它让女孩们找到自己的路, 不被现状吓倒, 并且要学会合作来加强, 使精力充沛, 培养女性的能力. It insists on the use of teaching methods that are appropriate for girls while preparing them to be team players and leaders on the current and future world stage.

We often talk about girls developing their voice at Ellis, what does that mean to you? 你如何使用你的声音?
Ellis provides an environment in which girls can speak and hear their and other women's voices, 的想法, 和方法. Having a setting in which girls can test various approaches to verbal communication, 说服, 提出问题的解决方案, 给予反馈, 等. to see what gets the results they want to achieve is critical for their success in future settings. 我在很多方面使用我的声音:告知, 说服, 问题, 控制台, 鼓励, celebrate—and I am still learning about what works best in any given situation. 主要是, life has reinforced what I learned at Ellis: that one must speak up at the right time and with respect for all speakers and listeners, 仔细倾听他们的声音.

Can you share a time in your life when you have been particularly brave or bold?
If I hadn't learned mountaineering and rock climbing years before it became popular, many of the "bold moves" in my career and personal life would not have been possible. 我对高山生物的热爱, 地质, 远景引导我接受安全攀登的训练, 减轻我的恐惧. 耐力:在获得力量和耐力中所涉及的严谨和奉献精神, 了解到我的身体有我没有开发的能力和能力, 成长为坚实的重要自信平台. Building trusting relationships with climbing partners also helped me appreciate the give and take of teamwork. 我的登山经历在秘鲁的一次女性探险中达到顶峰, 这是对我获得学士学位的奖励. 我认为不断学习是很重要的, trying some activity in an endeavor for which one might not think one is "a natural”, 最近对我来说是驾驶一架单引擎飞机.

Ellis broadened my knowledge of the world beyond textbooks and neighborhoods—it was my springboard to new ideas, 文化, 和地理位置. 我接触到了艺术的广度和深度, 文学, and historic potential through Ellis courses and exchanges with teachers in small class settings. 澳门新葡新京官方的老师坚持要我问为什么,为什么不问? It was one of the most stimulating environments I have had the honor to experience.

That women are smart, courageous, capable leaders—and lifelong good friends.

好奇的. 精力充沛的. 确定.

徒步旅行、园艺、飞行、志愿服务和家谱研究. 这些天来,我是Zoom许多此类活动的主持人! 我想学习水彩画,刷新我的彩色玻璃创作, but some of the former list is going to have to end or the day will need to get longer.